A tool that is useful when designing puzzles or running adventure games like escape rooms. Use simple syntax to graph puzzle dependencies and check for circular dependencies. Player progress can be checked off as you run your experience, so you can see what puzzle elements have been unlocked.

Editor syntax:

  • Comma separated tasks with "->" separating a set of items that are dependencies of another set of items.
  • Examples:
    Start -> Prerequisite 1, Prerequisite 2, Some action
    Prerequisite 1, Prerequisite 2 -> Unlocked task
    Some action -> Result 1, Result 2
    Unlocked task, Result 1, Result 2 -> End
  • You can also start with "###" and delimit lines with semi-colons if you want to make the code more compact for embedding elsewhere.
  • Make sure to name things consistently so things link up properly.
  • To view, click the "Render" button.

Player controls:

  • Click on nodes to toggle as complete and unlock dependencies.
  • Hover over nodes and edges to highlight what they connect to.
  • Double-click a node to temporarily edit the node's text (to take notes).
  • Drag/scroll or use the controls in the lower right to pan/zoom and reset the viewport.

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